Can I Trade From Multiple IP Addresses?

Posted on 2025-01-15 Updated on 2024-09-26

We recommend that traders use a single device and IP address for their activities on our platform.

We understand that in exceptional situations, it may be necessary to use multiple devices or IPs.

Here’s what could happen if you violate this rule:

  • Warnings: If we detect the use of multiple IPs, you will receive a warning.​

  • Profit adjustment: FPFX may reduce your profits and reset your account. If no profits have been generated, the account may not be reset.​

  • Account closure: In severe cases, your account may be closed without receiving the accumulated profits.
    It’s important that the region of the IP addresses remains consistent. If there is a change, FPFX may request proof, such as a plane ticket or passport stamp.

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